Cultural Innovation

Culture and creativity are the engines of urban development!

Exciting projects, that connect culture, business, technology and science.


Why CULTURAL Innovation?

In the startup ecosystem NEXT MANNHEIM, culture and creativity shape the future of the city.

The CULTURAL INNOVATION OFFICE initiates, promotes and puts into practice sustainable urban cultural projects – in cooperation with cultural workers, artists, creative professionals, scientists and residents. These interdisciplinary projects are a driving force for innovation and are actively used for culture- and creativity-driven urban development.


At the points where culture, business, technology and science meet, the CULTURAL INNOVATION OFFICE develops innovative projects with a wide range of industrial partners. One example is the "Music & Medicine" project (photo at bottom-right). The project team including representatives of the University Hospital Mannheim, the Fraunhofer IPA and NEXT MANNHEIM, is working on improvements for patients and hospital staff through music and music technology in the fields of neurosurgery and oncology. Furthermore, the project "Creative Residency" (photo at bottom-left) integrates artistic thinking in entrepreneurial contexts.


The CULTURAL INNOVATION OFFICE organises so-called placemaking projects, in which new uses of public space are developed together with citizens and various stakeholders. The focus is placed on artistic, creative and cultural interventions. An example of a sustainable placemaking project is the cultural conception and program for the Mannheim Multihalle


A special focus is on the development of nightlife culture. The initialisation of the first Night Mayor in Germany created a mediating interface between operators, residents, administration and authorities in order to strengthen Mannheim's nightlife structurally and sustainably – and to proactively give new impulses.

Cultural Innovation-Projects


Mannheims miracle: Frei Otto's Mannheim multi-hall becomes the creative lab of the urban future.

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How do you turn a scary place into a place of wellbeing? An innovative festival transformed the tram-stop Rheinstrasse into a place of progress.

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This is how Mannheim sounds

This is how Mannheim sounds: Ziggy Hasardeur remixed the UNESCO City of Music for the international music project MIX THE CITY.
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Lisa-Sophia Barthelmes

Creative Placemaking (currently on parental leave)

Maximilian Frey

Project Management Zwischennutzung (FutuRaum)

Robert Gaa

Night Mayor

Ronja Pawellek

Project Manager Zwischennutzung (FutuRaum)

Dr. Matthias Rauch

Cultural Innovation Officer / Head of Cultural Innovation & Creative Economy

Kathrin Sieberling

Project Management Cross Innovation
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